Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation doing business as Xcel Energy (Xcel Energy), has submitted to Morgan County an application for a permit to site and construct major facilities of a public utility (1041 Application). The Surface Development Notification Act (CRS §§ 24-65.5-103 et seq.) (Act) provides that not less than 30 days before the date scheduled for the initial public hearing by a local government on an application for development, the applicant must send a notice of that hearing by certified mail to mineral estate owners (owners or lessees of the mineral estate under the property which is the subject of the application). In addition, as the local government considering the application for development, Xcel Energy (the applicant) is providing notice to you pursuant to the Act confirming that Xcel Energy sent notice of the public hearing on the 1041 Application to the identified mineral estate owners under the proposed location of the new Canal Crossing Substation (a property which is a subject of the 1041 Application). The location of the property for the Canal Crossing Substation that is a subject of the hearing on the 1041 Application is shown on the enclosed map and the and legal description is as follows:
SUBJECT LAND: N/2 NW/4 Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 57 West.
A list containing the names and addresses of the mineral estate owners or lessees to whom notices were sent pursuant to the Act is provided as Attachment 1. Per Section 2-206(1)(c) of the Morgan County Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest, the Board of County Commissioners may refer the 1041 Application to mineral interest holders for comment in the case of projects to be constructed more than ten feet below the surface, excluding foundation structures for aboveground transmission lines. Xcel Energy hopes these materials and information assist the County’s review of the 1041 Application.
Xcel Energy understands that there will be a Public Hearing regarding the 1041 Application at 9:00 AM on September 14th, at the Morgan County Administration Building Commissioner’s Assembly Room – Floor B, 231 Ensign Street, Fort Morgan, CO 80701 and looks forward to participating in that hearing.